Large Pharma Company Event & Headshot Station

One Way To Get Ahead... Shot!

The Story

A large international pharmaceutical company was holding an annual, week-long event for one of its divisions with over 1,200 of its sales professionals in attendance. In an effort to better familiarize the attendees with the corporate culture and most recent corporate developments, they elected to set up a booth which would be manned with the company’s top sales & marketing executives. The Challenge – To get attendees to stop long enough at the booth to share this education. The leadership came up with an idea to hire a “well-known” and/or highly experienced photographer to set up a headshot station so professionals could get updated photos for their media and new business cards.

I was engaged for this assignment which would take place over two days and we jointly estimated the scope of activity to be between what was thought to be a generous 50 and 100 headshots. Me and my team constructed a portable studio and the headshot station was an overwhelming hit with over 300 headshots taken with an average of three looks per professional; and the waitlist and lines suggested that if we added more days we would have doubled that number. Mission Accomplished!


Greg Pai